
Kim Gledhill:

Painting 8" x 10"
Value: $500
Opening Bid: $80

Upon receiving a BA in studio arts and English, Kim Sillen Gledhill enrolled at the University of Georgia and graduated with MFA. While still a graduate, Gledhill taught undergraduate level drawing and received the highest ratings from student evaluations. Presently a New York resident, Gledhill has been commissioned both public and private portraits and gained experience as an art reviewer for NY Arts Magazine. In addition she has received numerous grants for her abilities and featured her work in exhibitions both NYC and Georgia.

Gledhill’s body of work captures the link between everyday realty and the underlying truths that one can only recognize when you look beyond the surface; it is here the artist discovers the transparency of one’s emotions. Gledhill’s oil paintings are influenced by the subconscious truth of dreams and uses portraitures as a means to explore “the intangible realities underneath the surface.”